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Tummy Time Trouble? Try These Alternative Options

Tummy time is critical for babies in order to progress through their developmental milestones. Being on the stomach allows for strengthening of the neck and back muscles (as well as shoulder, arm, and leg muscles!), and promotes visual tracking and attention skills. Further, this alternative position of the head allows for a different movement experience, which affects the development of vestibular processing.

However, there are many babies who really dislike this positioning. The reasons that a baby may have trouble with tummy time varies; sometimes it is due to acid reflux and tummy discomfort, and sometimes it is due to medical or neurological factors that make the positioning difficult and uncomfortable. No matter the reason, here are some alternative ways to make tummy time happier for your baby, while still engaging in the benefits that the positioning brings:

1) Add tummy time into your routine. After changing a diaper or dressing your baby, turn the baby on his or her stomach for a short time (can be as short as 10-15 seconds if the baby is crying). Slowly work up. Even that small amount of time will make a difference over time, and adding the position into the daily routine often alleviates some stress and pressure.

2) Sit reclined on the sofa or in a chair, and have the baby against your chest on his or her stomach.

3) Try a rolled up pillow underneath the arms of the baby for extra support.

4) Try a yoga ball or beach ball, have the baby on his or her stomach rocking slowly back and forth.

5) Try a "football hold", where your forearm is under the baby's belly (he or she is facing out) so that the child's legs are dangling. Your other hand can support the back.

Another thing to remember: make tummy time fun! It is also important for cognitive development, so make sure you are putting favorite toys at eye level for the baby to look at. As the parent or caregiver, you can get at the baby's eye level and smile, sing, and talk to your little one. This can be an important bonding time to provide your baby with a strong emotional attachment. As a final reminder, always make sure to stay close by and supervise during tummy time for safety.

Thanks to PicSea from Unsplash for these cute pictures!

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